USS Galveston

   CLG3  Shipmates  Association

2018 Reunion

23 Sep 2018 06:44 | Earl R. FISHER (Administrator)

Hard to believe but another reunion has come and gone. When we laid anchor in Albuquerque we were met with the challenges of a hotel that is undergoing remodeling and a very understaffed staff. But the staff that was available bent over backwards for us.  FACT: we had exactly the same number at this reunion as last years which goes to show you, it isn't where we go but the fact that we just want to meet and be together. This year start making your plans early and hope to see you in Baton Rouge. If you are wondering why we aren't going to New Orleans, per the vote, it is because Bob and Jane who have been working hard to find a suitable hotel that can offer the banquet, hospitality room and reasonable hotel rates found that nothing was available in New Orleans. But remember it is only about 1 1/2 hours away. So come on and join your shipmates on what promises to be a reunion to remember !    Earl Fisher

Main Contact Regarding Association  Business               Main Contact for Website                      
Bob Bakos 

2826 Custer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15227

phone 412-926-2129


Keith Hedley
3719 Mosswood Dr
Lafayette, CA 94549
415-298-1964 (mobile - leave a message)


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