USS Galveston

   CLG3  Shipmates  Association

Association News Blog

The latest news of interest to the Galveston Association Community 

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  • 27 Sep 2017 09:06 | Deleted user

    31st Annual Reunion, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida --- Underway



  • 09 Jan 2017 21:22 | Deleted user

    UPDATE on agent orange benefits for the Blue Water Sailors.  The bill referenced on in the May post here never did get approval in both houses of the Congressional 2015-2016 Session, so it's back to step one with the new 2017-2018 Session.

    Here's some of the latest info I found:

    From a nonprofit government policy review site --

    Whether to make naval veterans who served off the coast of Vietnam eligible for benefits.

    Though most didn’t step foot in Vietnam, some 90,000 Navy vets who served offshore may have been exposed to the Agent Orange and are seeking benefits. Advocates for the so-called Blue Water Navy veterans have been asking the VA for more than a decade to broaden the policy to include them. They say that they were exposed to Agent Orange because their ships sucked in potentially contaminated water and distilled it for showering, drinking, laundry and cooking. Experts have said the distillation process could have actually concentrated the Agent Orange.

    The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in April 2015 struck down VA rules that denied compensation for sailors whose ships docked at certain harbors in South Vietnam, including Da Nang. Those ports, the court determined, may have been in the Agent Orange spraying area. The court ordered the VA to review its policy.

    But in February, the VA largely stood by its old policy and once again asserted that there’s no scientific justification or legal requirement for covering veterans who served off the coast. A bill in Congress to change that had 336 sponsors in the House and 47 in the Senate. But it did not become law. Advocates have said they will try again.

    ProPublica and The Virginian-Pilot have written about these naval vets, documenting their efforts to prove their ships came into Vietnam’s rivers or sent their crews ashore, for even a day, making them eligible for benefits under VA policy.

    NEXT is a link to the Fleet Reserve Association website that supports this issue and provides a link to assist you with contacting your congressional representative

      LINK to FRA 

    Hopefully this time, because time is running out ...

    Bob Rank

    CLG3 Assn Secretary

  • 16 Dec 2016 19:30 | Deleted user

    If you spent a holiday season away from home like the 1963 crew pictured below, then you'll remember what a sacrifice it was.  Now we need to give thanks to all the service men and women serving this season.

  • 14 Oct 2016 13:20 | Deleted user

    This year’s reunion in San Antonio, Texas while not having the largest turn-out was still one of the best I’ve ever attended.  The reunion banquet was attended by just under a hundred Shipmates, Gals, and friends.  And just like every meal I ate in Texas, the food was absolutely delicious.  Also, as always, the Gal's pitched in to make everyone's time all the more enjoyable, with a special thanks to Donna Shock, Jane Bakos, and Laura Fisher.

    At the Shipmates' Business Meeting, a completely revised set of bylaws was adopted, and new officers were elected as pictured below from left to right: President, Keith Hedley; Secretary, Bob Rank; and VP/Treasurer, Bob Bakos 

    – okay, a motley looking crew, but nevertheless dedicated to this association.

    Also at the meeting, the 2019 reunion site selected was:

    New Orleans, Louisiana -- 2019

    In the more immediate future, we will be assembling in Daytona Beach, Florida next year beginning September 26th.

    Keep an eye on this site’s Reunion page to see all that's in the future. And to keep up with even more association news and happenings, maintain your membership. You will receive newsletters and have access to member rosters, crew’s discussion boards, and much more. You can join or renew by clicking on this link JOIN

    Questions? Contact me at, Bob Rank email

  • 21 May 2016 17:17 | Deleted user

    The US house of representatives just passed a piece of legislation that would allow shipmates who served aboard the Galveston while in Vietnam waters and are suffering from diseases associated with Agent Orange exposure to apply for benefits.  (for more information on this issue, click here). 

    The next step to becoming Law requires U.S. Senate approval.  All shipmates can help make this Law by contacting your Senator and requesting their support.  A direct email link to your Senator can be found by clicking here and following these steps:
    1. alphabetically find your senator,
    2. and under their name, select the Contact link,  
    3. identify yourself,
    4. select Veterans Affairs under "Pick A Topic", and
    5. request his/her support in advancing The Approved House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill through the Senate.
    You can also  help by forwarding this request to your friends and family.

    USS Galveston Shipmates Association

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Main Contact Regarding Association  Business               Main Contact for Website                      
Bob Bakos 

2826 Custer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15227

phone 412-926-2129


Keith Hedley
3719 Mosswood Dr
Lafayette, CA 94549
415-298-1964 (mobile - leave a message)


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