USS Galveston

   CLG3  Shipmates  Association

A Gal's Guide to Reunions

Every year the Gals hold an auction and we ask each one to bring a donation. It can be something you have handmade or bought with a value of at least $20.00. A lot of gals ask what to bring and I guess my answer is, bring something you would like to have for yourself. Keep in mind that the shipmates attend the auction, too. Navy/Marine/GALVESTON Memorabilia is always popular. 

<< All album photos 9/11 photos

"The pictures here taken by Kathleen Williams show the items contributed for the 2011 Auction at Buffalo, NY Reunion"

Main Contact Regarding Association  Business               Main Contact for Website                      
Bob Bakos 

2826 Custer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15227

phone 412-926-2129


Keith Hedley
3719 Mosswood Dr
Lafayette, CA 94549
415-298-1964 (mobile - leave a message)


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